The way we see it, the Spectacle was more than a performance, it was (and is) a way of being, a ruckus-y Boxerwood way open to all. In that spirit, we’re sharing “Our Call to Action” from the program notes. Read on!

Thank you for being part of Boxerwood’s 2023 Spectacle: A Wild Notion. We hope that, like our show’s protagonists, you remember just how powerful it is to connect to the more-than-human world around you. The show might be over, but the rumpus has only just begun. This is your invitation to keep making a ruckus for the natural world.
In midst of global uncertainty and environmental degradation, it is easy to fall into despair, to become consumed by worry and doubt and loneliness about the future of our planet. The Spectacle’s message is that none of us has to take on the world alone, and we’re stronger together. We believe the antidote to fear is connection, and we challenge you to become more engaged with those causes that call to you right here, right now.
Boxerwood’s mission is to educate and inspire people of all ages to become environmentally responsible stewards of the Earth. We turn hope into community impact when we ground our work in the very place we love and work and play – and you can do the same.
Rockbridge is ours to love and protect and cherish, and we belong to this place as much as it belongs to us. Together, we can be a community, transformed by caring for the natural world, our home. That’s a Wild Notion indeed – let’s rise!
Photos By Stephanie Blevins of The News-Gazette